Archive of ‘blog maintenance’ category

Simple posts like this make me miss Tumblr…

Sometimes I miss the simplicity of being able to reblog on Tumblr, the whole “set it and forget it” mentality that was so easy to adopt having a blog on their site… but then I remember the site security issues that you could practically get a $1,000 bounty off of on bounty-hunting websites and I’m glad to no longer use it.

In things that I did not expect to actually happen…

For the first time in… ever, I’ve actually had more people from outside the United States viewing this blog than I have the alternative. I’m not quite sure what to think of that. I’ve gotten a few more spam comments which I haven’t allowed to pass through, too. They seem to be originating from the new locations to this.

At any rate, this is Dave Shaw’s final dive. His diving buddy, Don Shirley, began talking at the end of it so that Dave’s final breaths were not heard. Don Shirley is the MVP here and the epitome of an amazing friend.

On Tuesdays, we continue to rip on Tumblr.

This is a screenshot of me and a friend ripping on Tumblr’s “site security”. They continue to refuse to acknowledge that there was a recent data breach, or data leak, even though passwords have now been brute-forced into plain text (they did not use SHA-1 cryptography to hash their passwords, let alone salt them… and I’m not going to get into the fact that passwords hashed with SHA-1 cryptography are now easier to brute-force, that site managers should look into using higher-leveled cryptography). But it is what it is, and I tried to alert them to the problem. It’s out of my hands now. It’s not my problem. I don’t have an account on their site, so none of my data is going to continue to be compromised, especially since I use burner e-mails for fandom accounts and do not replicate passwords. However, I can’t say the same for their other users. I can’t speak for them. But even the barest of statistical analyses would have to say that some of them would have to be using professional e-mails for these sorts of things, that they were replicating passwords, or even that they were using universal passwords (in 2022 of all years, which I am not even going to get into… heh).

I mean, I tried. I really did. I truly did. I didn’t even have to say anything, but I did. They chose to ignore it.

I told you that I had an internal tracker running.

My hosting also gives me the IPs of visitors on request, and my tracker also confirms VPN use if applicable.

I set it up a long time ago and this combination, when necessary, has not failed me once.

This is what happens when conservatives try to scare people online and it doesn’t go according to plan.

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