Archive of ‘action and adventure’ category

Adding to his collection, I’m adding to it…

I’m still getting the occasional game to pad Bub’s collection, even if we won’t be playing it for awhile due to his age, the rating, being busy with other games, that sort of thing. So far, I’ve picked up Witcher 2 and Witcher 3 for him for a few of those reasons… there’s the rating of both of those games to contend with (and the reason for those ratings), and the fact that we’re busy with other games right now. I’ve heard a lot of positive things about how open-ended the games are, and if there’s one thing that Bub loves doing with me in video games, it’s traipsing around in games that let you wander around wherever you want almost within reason. This is why games like Skyrim appeal to him in the manners that they do… and, well, always have.

Meanwhile, I am thinking of removing my stereo from my bedroom. I’ve had it since I was a child, and it’s actually so old that it has cassette decks on it and a record player. The only functionally useful thing that it still has attached to it is access to FM radio. It’s just sat here since I was a child, largely unused over the years. It also reminds me of my mother, which is another reason that I want to be rid of it as soon as I can manage to unplug it from the slight mess of cords that are back behind my television. For a number of reasons that involve saving up space and being rid of just one more thing that reminds me of someone that I would like not to be reminded of, I would like to be rid of it at my earliest convenience, whenever that can be.

I never knew the joys of free Epic games until now.

It never even crossed my path that Epic Games had been offering free games every now and again (okay, to the tune of… once a week or so) until they began Trending on Twitter for offering Grand Theft Auto V free.



Needless to say, as soon as I found out about that, I jumped on it, downloaded the Epic Games game installer, and downloaded that as my first free game. I first got into Grand Theft Auto with the third game in the franchise, finding one quest so difficult that I remember stealing a tank and eventually successfully catapulting myself across a bridge that I just barely got over to start the next section of the game. At any rate, getting back to what I came here to say — since downloading Grand Theft Auto V free, I’ve kept checking back to download each free game they’ve made available, although I think I’m going to have to start juggling which games I actually have downloaded copies of on our computer (all of them will remain in our library though) because one of them might have involved biting off more than I could chew with it taking up nearly three-quarters of our one terabyte hard drive on our PC. I was gobsmacked to see just how much space it actually took up when I looked at the amount of hard drive space that we actually had free on our PC and… well, yeah. You probably would be too. You probably were if you downloaded ARK: Survival Evolved and ARK Editor when I did. I have no regrets though because that is the sort of game Bub enjoys.

No regrets. I swear. Even though our PC’s hard drive is practically screaming uncle at this point. Seriously.

Lost Dimension

This was actually one of the first games that I played on the Vita, having received it so long ago that off of the top of my mind, I’m not exactly sure what holiday I received it for… that’s how long the Vita’s been around for (and how many games that we have for the Vita, although I don’t intend on saying anything bad about the Vita when I say that, having already made mention in a previous post to how the Vita is one of our favorite consoles for a number of reasons). It was also one that I played with Bub, that he enjoyed as well.

It managed to combine so many parts of our favorite game mechanics and genres into one without making it seem like it was forcing anything in, and I do have to point that out almost from the start of this review. It’s an action-adventure game (you’re scaling a tower, and fighting enemies as you do so), a classic who-done-it (because you’re scaling the tower with complete strangers, and some of them are enemies working with the game’s final boss against you, and you have to figure out who those are and vote them out one at a time on each floor of the tower based on the clues that you obtain), and it has maximum replayability because the game’s “traitors” are chosen at random at the start of each playthrough, meaning that you have to do the work of finding out all over again who the traitors are with each playthrough. And because each of your teammates have special powers, sometimes this means that the traitor you have to sacrifice at each floor’s pit stop might be someone with a particularly advantageous power that would otherwise make the subsequent floors easier to get through, but… you have to do what you have to do. The character that you control has the ability to “read minds” — that’s the easiest way that I can word it without spoiling too much of the game’s actual plot mechanics — and this is how he is able to “read people” and figure out their true intentions, and figure out whether or not they are traitors. It involves a clever mini-game that you can play to figure out their intentions, and one that I strongly encourage playing as often as possible to confirm things.

Over the course of our first playthrough, we ambled through it with the intention of picking it back up at some point and getting it right, and we only managed to get two wrong, which should really say something. If you get any of them “wrong” (don’t manage to eliminate traitors before you get to the top of the tower), you have to fight them in addition to the final boss), which does make the final boss more difficult, but not entirely impossible if you’ve managed to gear up properly. This is in comparison to other difficult final bosses.

All in all, I would recommend this game to anyone who is looking for an action-adventure “who done it?”.