Here’s hoping my luck holds and this works well!

The replacement Steam Deck that I’ve begun to finance will be coming from across the state, and the person who sold it to my son is going to be shipping it out tomorrow… so it’s actually close enough to where we live that it might be here later on in this (coming? not quite sure how to phrase this) week if we’re lucky! As soon as I’ve confirmed that it functions and charges, simply because I have to see for myself, I’ll leave a good review for the person who was kind enough to sell their old Steam Deck at this price and start setting it up for my son. He already knows that his current Steam Deck no longer functions, which has made him sad.

In the interim, I’ve been completing the kids’ homeschool notes for the last nine-week period, which is what I go by when writing progress notes. I’m almost done, and I’ve gotten to where I start these a little bit sooner!

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