February 25th 2025 archive

I would have written in here sooner, but…

I’ve been watching Twitter scout out another convicted pedophile in real time, which has actually called to reports made to his local police department because it was all too easy to figure out where that was since he was gloating about parking his car (“his home”) closer to children than his conviction allowed him to be. He’s since… been the move after those reports were made, I think, but I do know for a fact that they were made and that they caused him to relocate from the cemetery that he spends so much time parked in at least once, so I suppose that there is some hope to be had. This man started to go viral for harassing people on Twitter when someone realized that he was indeed using his real name on Twitter, did a criminal history search on him, and that information came out. I’m not even going to get into some of what he has said in response to that information becoming public information because it is indeed that sick, and I don’t ever want him to find things like this and feel like he’s being rewarded for his behavior. I’m not going to list his name here or go into detail about what he has done aside from the fact that I am making note of this man indeed being a convicted pedophile (on my birthday in 2002, as a matter of fact… that was when he was convicted), and Twitter continuing to have problems with people like this being allowed to use the website.