August 2024 archive
I shouldn’t have been surprised at any of this.
I am making precisely the lack of progress that I should have expected with the county’s Legal Aid services, trying to obtain the guardianship over my oldest son that was suggested to me by his developmental pediatrician before he turns eighteen years old. That isn’t exactly something that you can do pro se because the proposed ward requires their own lawyer, so I might have to settle for competency forms being filled out and placed in my son’s medical record for… whenever the time does come, because his developmental pediatrician is retiring at the end of the year, right around when my son turns eighteen. I’m in the process of appealing the initial denial of services (“because they don’t have enough people on staff to take my case”, or whatever it was that they said in their closing letter to me), and I’ll periodically continue to apply until this guardianship thing is sorted out. I know that I’ll have to do it for both of the boys when they reach adulthood, and I really should have expected this to be exactly as exasperating as it is. Will we still be living in Texas when all of this is sorted out? That remains to be seen, because Texas is one of like four states that doesn’t have interstate guardianship… pacts, or whatever it is those are called, although applying for this in another state will be little more than a formality once I’ve been granted it to begin with. I just need to be granted it.
Music Monday: August 19th, 2024
I’m honestly not sure if I’ve ever posted this before, but this used to be one of my jams in high school.
So many things are taller than he is now.
I continue to keep his urn somewhere on our desk, although I haven’t really made the strides that I’ve wanted to make with writing the victim impact statement that I’ve been given the opportunity to write. Kentucky hasn’t been as clear as I would have liked, or even like, them to be about where the perpetrator is at in the whole process of sentencing (other than “review”, what’s that?). This is almost all I have left of him.
I have to do this: who wears short shorts?
This is one of the most magical and whimsical pictures of either kid that I have ever gotten. I just love it!