July 21st 2024 archive

I am continuing to set our new computer up!

The only thing that I’m going to have to do when I bring it into my bedroom (as I’m currently loading the majority of it on the kitchen table, getting files off of the old computer via USB as needed) is to… set up my streaming program, OBS, because I can’t just import the settings from that onto our new computer… as much as I wish I could. This is going to be the most fun part of the setup process, and by that what I really mean to say is the most challenging. The rest of the setup process can be done on the kitchen table though so that I can simply slide the Intel Core in to where the Xeon used to be, hook everything up via USB that needs to be hooked up, turn it on, test it, and make sure that everything works as it’s supposed to work.

I’ve been sure to take plenty of migraine medication throughout all this, and to wear sunglasses as needed.