January 2024 archive
I need more branded streaming shit, I swear.
This is a picture of the shirt I own courtesy of my content creating organization. I need way more of these…
Music Monday: January 29th, 2024
This was my jam growing up. Now apparently she’s Republican, and quite possibly MAGA, which sucks.
I’ve been playing this with my kid for… forever.
I got my oldest son into Minecraft: Dungeons on Steam and we’ve been having a lot of fun playing this!
I got another brilliant picture of the kids!
The kids’ developmental pediatrician will be retiring at the end of the year, which won’t really affect Monster because he’ll be eighteen years old by then. The kids have been seeing him since the dawn of time (or close enough to it to be called the dawn of time, so this tracks). Monster doesn’t quite understand it, but I’ve been taking opportunities to explain the process to him in a developmentally friendly way. But let’s do this, y’all!