October 17th 2023 archive

Not that the thought of it isn’t nice, but…

I’ve had people suggest to me that I should get a few more domain names, and the ones that I would want to get are available (I’m not saying what they are unless, or until, I decide to get them), but… I don’t know what I would even put on them to make them worthwhile, and I’m not going to steal something from someone who might otherwise make a whole site of their own out of it and park it. I may still have decent graphics on here, having made a lot of my own back when LiveJournal was more popular, but I haven’t actually made my own layout from scratch in quite awhile. I’m sure I could if I devoted time to it, though.

I see that site collectives are starting to make a resurgence, and I’d love to see self-hosted blogs do so too!