September 2023 archive

I need help coming up with better subject lines…

I still have mixed feelings about the passing of Smash Mouth’s lead singer.

I don’t feel like he should be blamed for his liver disease, even if his alcoholism did cause or contribute to it, even if it had anything to do with his eventual demise. But I do have problems with the fact that he insisted on having concerts during the worst of the pandemic knowing that it was during the worst of the pandemic, eventually going so far as to give people Nazi salutes. If this was on the part of some kind of neural degeneration, I feel like his band members should have intervened as things started to get bad, and apparently they never did. Personally, I find it the easiest just not to talk about Smash Mouth (Smashmouth? Smash Mouth?) any more, even if I did listen to their music growing up. Conversations about what he did or did not have control over just tend to get confusing after awhile, and I don’t feel like having debates or discussions about him beyond what’s already been said, with most of it having been said on Facebook.

I have mixed feelings on all of this.

I have mixed opinions on the poor health of Smashmouth’s lead singer even though I grew up on his music (and, more specifically, this song). On one hand, I don’t want anyone to see this as some kind of opportunity to make fun of the lead singer for his alcoholism leading up to this, or blame him for his own death on down the line… even if that “on down the line” may only be a matter of days from now. But I’ve heard about the concerts he insisted happen during the worst part of COVID, the Nazi salutes that he’s actually given, and that was apparently just him getting started. Once all of this… stops being talked about, I will be thankful.

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