September 2023 archive

I like the quotes on the bottom right side now!

Well, I’ve made a few changes to this blog… nothing major, but I really like the quotes.

I have those quotes listed on the “about me” section of another blog of mine that I’ve actually had since late 2008, which is why it was so easy to put them on the right side of this blog. And speaking of that, I should really update the pages on this blog when I have the time. I might do that on a Monday or Wednesday…

Meanwhile, I continue to collect Kuma Crafts jewelry from people who aren’t scalping them off in sales benefiting from price hikes people are willing to pay after her death. I won’t buy into that no matter how beautiful or rare the piece is. I’ve gotten a fairly good idea what she charged for various pieces while she was alive by looking at her Facebook page for it (“Kuma Crafts”), and I’ve been using that as a guideline.

There are never good subject lines for these things.

It’s seriously like it actually happened yesterday. Happening to be awake and online, it flashed by on my Instagram long enough to see it — a picture of her with her two sons, that she had passed, Rest in Peace.

At the time, all I could think of was “not her”.

Not her.

I’d just really like to move… out of this state.

This is a picture taken near my house. The spray-paint on the left side, in red, is the signature of the tagger. On the right, there is what amounts to BxK — there seem to be other, smaller K’s there as well, but this literally translates to “Blood killers” and is the worst taunt the Crips to throw down. Without fail, this area of my house is tagged like this… the city removes the spray-paint, they put it right back up. This has been going on for years and it is clear that this is a story of the ages… it may not be a good one, but it’s a story of the ages. And quite frankly, it’s bad enough to live near “Crip road” here. I know exactly where “Crip road” is.

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