July 6th 2023 archive

Now we’re actually making substantial progress!

Bub’s games have been loaded onto the gaming laptop! All I have left to do is defragment the HDDs that are in it or hooked up to it, both of which being low on space due to his games… that will free up some more space, and then consider looking for a folding table or laptop desk that can be kept in one of our bedrooms to facilitate easier use of the laptop — as it stands right now, making room on the desktop computer’s desk to use the laptop is onerous, requires some effort, and is almost like playing a real-life version of Tetris

Yeah, we’ll have to improve the layout of at least my room to make gaming on everything in here feasible.

I also pre-ordered a few video games for Bub that will release on or around Christmas, and at that they’re ones that he is really, really going to like. And I pre-ordered him an Atelier remake that’s supposed to come out in a… week… or two? And to finish off his birthday, I am considering getting him a copy of Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin on Steam so he can play it whenever he wants on the Steam Deck. He currently has a copy of it on Epic Games right now — that was the first gaming app it was released on.