I feel like this is the most accurate representation of autism I’ve seen, all tied up with a neat little bow.
Or, well, almost.
I definitely have the social differences, myself.
I have what a lot of people call “special interests”, but I’m not sure I am comfortable with that terminology.
I don’t have many sensory sensitivites, other than the fact that I have to sleep in complete darkness to actually go to sleep, I have to be in the same position I’ve been in practically my whole life, and the blankets have to be arranged in a certain way. If that doesn’t happen, chances are… slim that I will fall asleep.
As for emotional regulation, I’ve been compared to Daria from Beavis & Butthead since that show came out.
I embody the satire. I am the satire.
I’m not sure about perception unless that’s defined as reading people, which I am not that good at.
“Other” amuses me.