February 16th 2023 archive

A continuation of the… short and sweet post.

Regarding the person I mentioned unfriending and blocking on social media, another few things: she laid hands on her estranged wife, and people have come out about their experiences in relationships with her (she’s polyamorous) in ways that make it clear that she is a sexual predator. In writing this post I am striving to be as vague as possible so as not to give any details about her wife — who I am and would like to continue to be friends with — or these people than are needed to paint her in exactly the sort of light she should be painted in. Some people who have information on this… situation wonder if she’s going through a manic episode that would explain the majority of what I’ve written about in here when it comes to her, but although it could possibly explain it, none of it is justified by it. Days before I decided to cut her out of my life, which is a decision that I do not regret, she had begun to love bomb me in a way that made me increasingly uncomfortable. The day that I wound up unfriending her and blocking her on anything she was adamant that her job would “take her down to my city”, which happens to be a few hours south of where she lives, and was pushy about wanting to meet me in person to hug me even though I thought I’d made it clear on more than one occasion that my living situation does not let me invite folks over that I don’t know in person.

I believe that she did to her wife exactly what has been said about it, and I believe the people that have spoken out about their sexual experiences with her. My only regret is that I didn’t find out about this sooner.