I was not the one doing the driving when this picture was taken! As an epileptic, I do not drive. I was in the back seat with him and knew that I had seconds to get this picture when the light fell on his face in just this manner, so I seized the chance. Carpe diem… or something, as the kids say. What do Generation Z kids say?
February 2023 archive
Music Monday: February 27th, 2023
I’ve been bumping Samantha James since before I had a second child, so why not post this here?
I have finally finished writing up homeschool notes!
Every few months, I write up notes that detail the progress that both boys make in homeschool.
The state does not require that I do so, but for the SNAP work exemption — Bub in public school would be a nightmare due to behavioral concerns alone, and that isn’t even taking his severe social anxiety into consideration, and I’m never even doing that to him — I submit these to the state every time a renewal comes up. They’re also helpful to have and keep on hand for his doctors, specialists, and therapists, that way all of us are on the same page when it comes to what each boy is working on, where they are progressing and what struggles each of them may be having. Finally having been diagnosed with ADHD and being on medication for it (guanfacine, 2mg in the morning and another 2mg at night) has made writing these notes so much easier even though I don’t think I’ll ever actually enjoy writing them in the first place. Right now, with the “school year” being three quarters of the way over (we technically do year-round though, simply… not stopping) I’m at the Spring Break section. I turn them in to the state at the… “end” of the school year.
This is always fun, and I always say this with a heaping, heavy dose of sarcasm. This will never be fun.