February 2022 archive

I mean, this shouldn’t surprise me now but…

I was literally going to post some happy birthday clip art since today is my birthday, but I’ve been trying to get into my hosting account’s FTP for… several minutes now and it’s taking forever to load even though it—

Oh look, it finally loaded!

This was the best I could do because I had to fight my hosting to even load the FTP. My apologies.

I need to come up with clever subject lines.

As probably predicted, I am still trying to get off of the prednisone train.

However, I absolutely needed it yesterday when Fioricet did not work.

I was actually at about a nine out of ten on the pain scale.

And I still hate this medication… I really, truly do. My body just does not like it any more.

In other news, our dryer died a peaceful death of old age last weekend. We contacted an appliance repair specialist about it that was supposed to come out to our house to see if it could be repaired (and if so, how much that would cost), but they never showed, and they never even called to let us know that they would not be showing. So we have to follow up on that. This afternoon, someone is supposed to bring a new dryer to our house so that we can actually dry our clothes without having to hang them after they’ve been washed. Good times… I guess. I guess we’ll be seeing how that goes in several hours when it should arrive.

We usually run two dryers here, so the jury is still out on whether this one can actually be repaired.

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