January 2022 archive

I am never taking this stuff again, I swear.

The amoxicillin that I finish taking today has given me some of the worst migraines of my life, so I’m going to ask at the next consult of mine that requires the use of them if… something else other than amoxicillin can be given. Usually Fioricet helps to a point, making things bearable even when it does not fully help, but we’ve been at the point now where it is not helping at all. Without consulting my medical history, someone asked me “if I could take aspirin” or “if I could take Ibuprofen”, not knowing that my asthma reacts to those and that I would have to be on albuterol, Benadryl, and prednisone to even have a shot. If this keeps up though I’m going to single-dose prednisone to make life bearable until I am actually done with this antibiotic. Although I concede that amoxicillin helped with the gum and jaw infection that prednisone… gave me, I do not want to have to take the poison to “get rid” of the poison. This is literally the name of the chronically ill game, I swear.

I hate the side effects of prednisone, don’t get me wrong, but I really hate being in severe pain. It is what it is.

And I actually mean it when I say “I’m never taking this stuff again”. I’m asking for another antibiotic.

A report to someone’s HR department, no net.

Someone made what I am currently imagining to be one of the worst comments I have ever seen on a public Facebook page, stating that women “had responsibility” to prevent pregnancies “by keeping their legs closed”, calling those who got pregnant and chose to continue the pregnancy whores that only did it for means-tested government benefits that pregnancy and having a child would permit them to have. Needless to say, in addition to reporting the comment itself to Facebook for hate speech, I also found the man’s employer because he had all of that information publicly available on his Facebook page. I contacted them with the unredacted screenshot, asking them if they knew how someone was representing their company on his off time. Once they asked me how I came across this comment and found out where he worked — all information that I was happy to provide given the circumstances — they thanked me, and they got back to me a day later telling me that his job’s HR (human relations) department and his manager would be speaking to him about the comment in question. Some time after this, he deleted the comment from Facebook as though that would somehow make it to where he had never even made it in the first place.

But screenshots live forever. They are well aware of what they said to the tune of wanting to talk to him.

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