Now that we’ve gotten all of that out of the way…

It may have taken us a bit longer than expected because someone didn’t have my phone number correct, but that was remedied, and the last part of Bub’s crisis management (and eventual behavioral) therapy intake was completed! Since this is a… hub that services multiple counties in this area and provides different services, I had to fill out forms for and talk to several different people, but I think I’ve gotten most if not all of my questions answered. It was just a matter of asking the right person. Believe it or not, this hub was also the ones that did Bub’s at-home physical therapy when he was a baby needing assistance with holding himself up during crawling and transitioning to walking. That’s just a different branch of their services, one that Bub doesn’t have any need for since he is too old for it and has no issues with fine and gross motor skills or physical development. I filled out forms attesting to our finances, what services both of the boys — but especially Bub — already receive, Bub had a psychiatric evaluation done since his insurance requires that to start these kind of therapies (and was told that he would definitely qualify for services), and then I sat down with the woman who would go over a plan of care for him while he was receiving crisis management therapy to address more of his immediate concerns with her. Although I would not mind him participating in crisis management therapy if it is still deemed to be the best fit for him, if going straight into whatever behavioral therapy is more appropriate I wouldn’t mind that happening either. We’ll have to see.

Some of this will also have to do on which kind of therapy, or therapies, can best be tailored to his developmental delays and intellectual disabilities. So he’ll need to be examined for that, which I’m completely fine with. After all, there’s no need for him to sit for therapy sessions that he can not actually participate in.

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