April 17th 2021 archive

Still hoping not to be contacted, but…

Two of the things that I got with our third stimulus check were a high school class ring and one from the two-year college that I got my associates’ degree in Biology from (as I was able to complete that before onset of various disabilities that make now attending college something that I can not do). I am still of the mindset that I do not want to attend any class reunions, though. Fortunately for me, I was not contacted when students from my graduating class tried to put together a ten-year reunion, and I hope not to be contacted for any twenty-year reunion. I’ve only kept in touch with one person that attended high school with me, and he only went there for a year. Aside from that, I am not involved in anything that my graduating class does, and I hope never to be. It’s just not something that I want to do at any point.

I would have gotten a class ring while still in high school, but my mother wouldn’t let me order one with the customizations that I wanted to make to it. Now that I’m a whole grown adult, though, I can choose the customizations that I would like… which I did. Maybe at some point I’ll take a picture of it and post it here.