July 21st 2020 archive

Nope, we are not breaking quarantine for this.

Apparently you can “safely exercise” (our governor is a dunce who can’t even comprehend basic science) around here as long as you wear a mask and maintain proper social distance, but no, we are going to continue to quarantine as long as there is a pandemic going on and… not leave the house unless we are embarking on necessary travel. Bub and I could, if there weren’t a pandemic going on, by this logic play Pokemon Go and go to the nearby PokeGym and Stop because it is a cemetery and it is doubtful that we would interact with anyone that isn’t in our household, but… again, there is a global pandemic going on, I am at high risk if I do manage to catch this, I do not want my child catching this, and this is an unnecessary risk to even consider taking, so no. We are going to continue to quarantine for as long as there is a global pandemic going on and I do not care what “advice” our foolish, ludicrous governor, his “strike force team”, or anyone equally as asinine has. None of these folks displays a clear and thorough understanding of science.

I do miss the walk to the nearby cemetery, though. My lungs start off strong after I’ve medicated them with albuterol prior to the walk, then as we turn off of our road and begin walking down the old farm road and I’ve taken the outside position nearest the farm road for safety reasons and my lungs realize what we are doing (again). Then when we get to the gazebo in the cemetery that allows us to access the Gym and the Stop, begin accessing those things, wait for my lungs to stop having the opinions that they are assuredly having, use my inhaler as needed. And when we were done at the cemetery doing everything that we needed to do and I had completely rested, make the walk back down the farm road, then turn and walk back down our road, at which point my lungs would resume having opinions at the distance that we had walked, then go home and I would rest again from the distance that we had walked. My lungs don’t like exercising…

When this pandemic is over, we’ll resume playing Pokemon Go no matter how much albuterol I have to use.