February 27th 2020 archive

Something that I will have to fix soon…

Our new laptop’s Wi-fi card doesn’t seem to be dual-banded, because it can’t connect to 5Ghz connections.

And I know for a fact that our router broadcasts both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz, because I set both of those up when I was setting our router up for the first time. In a… rather peculiar twist, our microwave actually disrupts the 2.4Ghz signal if it runs too long, causing it to lag or even disconnect. So it might actually be worth looking into getting one of those USB dongles that you can set up to “take over” for the Wi-fi card that is actually in this computer, that way I can connect to both of those as needed. I will admit that I don’t know the most in the world about them other than the fact that they do exist, so I’ll have to do some more research on them.

Literally everything else in this house connects to 5Ghz except for this new laptop, though…

So I suppose I should really start looking into the most appropriate dongle to “upgrade” this computer.