Posts Tagged ‘religion’

Branching off from Hexennacht: moving forward.

In case you need to know what Satanic Panic is: here
In case you need to know what Hexennacht is: here

One of the things that I wanted to take the time to touch on, as someone who gradually “came out” in her blog as a Satanist (affiliated with The Satanic Temple, at that), is that even though we may have, comparatively speaking, made strides toward being more safely and easily being able to declare our religious affiliations in some places — or lack thereof, depending on how you want to word them — it can still be dangerous to “out” yourself as a religion that is not the majority religion, especially under the Trump Administration (and especially if it becomes clear through whatever means that you are LBGT, or as I have sometimes worded it, “not an able-bodied, white-passing man”). Outing yourself as a Satanist is perhaps the diciest of all, and it can potentially have repercussions in child custody cases and job applications if it is revealed in the former or disclosed in the latter. One word of advice, though: you do not have to disclose your religious affiliation on a job application, even if the interviewer asks… and for them to “require” that is illegal.

However, plenty of divorced or separated parents — and I mean plenty — have fought over the most banal of religious issues as they pertain to their child or children, so for one parent to be outed as a Satanist, or volunteer the information that they are one, is pretty much analogous to throwing a hand grenade into the proceedings if you ask me… at least assuming that both parents are active participants in their children’s lives and are litigating with the intent to be able to have an equal say in the upbringing of said children’s lives. Sometimes it is actually court-ordered that one parent is to be the parent that has “final decision-making say” in the religious instruction of the children (or, conversely, if this becomes something that it is clear that the parents will never agree on, that both parents are forbidden from making their children “active, registered participants” in their religious denomination… which basically means that they can not baptize them or enroll them). However, for one parent to be the individual that is granted that final decision-making say is only generally done when the child (or children) have had a history of being brought up in that religion so that they can continue to be brought up in it to give them the continued regularity of that religion’s influence, especially when their lives will be shifted with the divorce or separation of their parents. Unless, of course, it’s Satanism. And then it’s, like I’ve said, like throwing a really judgmental hand grenade into the proceedings nearly all of the time because of nearly everyone’s misconceptions as to what Satanism entails.

And yet perhaps it is the most ironic of all that Satanists are generally the least judgmental and pushy.

What you can do, I can do… better, or weirder.

One would think that merely ascribing to the tenets of atheistic satanism would be enough to make most people happy, but apparently it’s not. It’s as though there are competing factions, and getting more people to “pledge loyalty” to one or the other is a “prize to be won”, and that’s not something that I want very much (if anything at all) to do with. I chose the one that fell the most in line with the views that I already had, which I thought you were supposed to do with religion anyway, which is ironic because I didn’t choose an Abrahamic, theistic religion for that reason… you know, ones where you sometimes “have” to follow rules that you don’t agree with or see eye-to-eye on, and in some cases you have to confess your “sins” to a priest before you can be allowed to take the Eucharist, at least if you want to retain good standing within that denomination. So far, atheistic satanism just works with me because that is how I live my life anyway. There literally is no extra effort. And the fact that The Satanic Temple is so left-leaning is just an added bonus, heh.

One of the things that continues to bother me about religion is the fact that the one “character” in it that literally questions things is the one that is literally demonized in it. You are supposed to fear and rebuke this character. Very few people seem to put the pieces together on this due to an almost blind allegiance to it…

Not being allowed to question your deity, especially the Old Testament God, doesn’t sit right with me at all.

So atheistic satanism is actually a thing.

Truth be told, I’ve actually been looking into this for months, but I’ve had more time to look into it since we went into a global pandemic and have had to spend the better part of a month in quarantine. Over the course of my life I have never considered myself religious, but as the years have gone on I have seen my tolerance for religion (and the things that people have done, will do, and claim that they are willing to do in the name of it) progressively wane. I’ve also had the occasional friend who has self-identified as Satanist, which eventually got me looking more into it myself as the months went on and we had to socially distance, stay in our own homes, that sort of thing. My research began with the Church of Satan, which was (and is) the first federally and legally recognized church dedicated to atheistic Satanism. Truth be told, I don’t have anything against it, and if it were the only federally and legally recognized Satanist church I probably would have joined that one. But as I began to look further into Satanism, I eventually found The Satanic Temple, in no small part due to the friends that I would continue to make over social networking, especially those who said that their practice and tenets better fit how they lived their lives and viewed Satanism. As I came to read more about it, I came to agree with that myself. In addition to being a legally recognized religion, they also do leftist political activism, which is something that I do as an activist and advocate. I thought that them putting up Baphomet statues where and when Christians put up Ten Commandment statues was fair and fitting, and I am an extremely big supporter of the Protect Children Project and “After School Satan” (meant to counter the “Good News Club”, which is an after-school Christian… program of sorts many schools have).

So now I am an official member of The Satanic Temple, and I am looking into chapters.

The nearest chapter is several hours from me, so I am deliberating that one. I haven’t formally decided yet.

But this is a religious organization that does good, stands for good, and stands against theistic religion.

I really see nothing wrong with any of this given my detest for (Abrahamic), theistic religion. I honestly don’t.

The numpties are out in full force here, folks.

The governor of our state actually did the sensible thing that he should have “bit the bullet on” weeks ago and issued an executive order mandating that all schools in the state stay closed for the rest of the academic year. Naturally, we have no shortage of numpties on his social networking pages commenting with varying levels of distaste on this… in the midst of a global pandemic with a 4.1% mortality rate taking into consideration all fifty states. I mean, comparatively speaking, there aren’t this many actual numpties (or at least I would hope not), even though they seem like they are a lot louder than they actually are concentrating themselves on things like his Facebook page, shrieking like nearly actual banshees. Some of them are going so far as to deny that we are in the midst of an actual global pandemic, comparing this to the common cold or the flu, screaming about how we need to “bring the economy back to life” (with what? actual skeletons? okay, those of us who can work can go back to work, at the cost of human lives, and then we’ll all be dead, because of the economy, when this thing absolutely ravages us, all because you would not listen to actual scientists), insisting that “only the sick need to stay at home, and us healthy folks can go out and go back to work”… okay, forget how you healthier folks, you folks who can stay asymptomatic for up to fourteen days can literally bring it to our doorsteps. Can my estate sue you if you kill me? I think I’d like it to… if you kill me.

This has also brought the anti-vaxers out in full force whenever a potential, possible vaccine for the coronavirus is brought up. At one point I actually responded with, “my family will keep our vaccines, yours can keep natural family planning,” to a Catholic who invoked “the Nuremberg clause” in an actual conversation. This same Catholic also claimed to have taken many science courses along with his wife, tried to flaunt degrees, and was also apparently anti-vax. This did not surprise me given that they were Catholic.

(Strange fact: Bub’s paternal grandmother tried to “justify” me getting an IUD after his birth as “it’s not a sin because she’s not Catholic” after, for some strange reason, Bub’s father saw fit to tell her that I had gotten one. After she had a tantrum over it, which he… saw fit to tell me about. I was far more annoyed that he saw fit to have this conversation with his mother, and to tell his mother something that never should have been brought up in conversation with her. But it never wound up mattering, because I never became Catholic, no one in my family unit never became Catholic [and will never become Catholic insofar as it requires my consent], and Catholic doctrine has never mattered to me and will never matter to me for as long as I live.)

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