Archive of ‘computer gaming’ category

We now have a gaming and streaming desk!

Even though our washer… continues not to work as it should (and the decision is soon going to have to be made whether to try to replace individual parts in the hope that we’re able to figure out, and replace, what caused it to stop working, or just get a completely different one), our gaming and streaming desk is now put together. All I have to do is reorganize the wires at the back of the desk a bit better than they are and I think I’ve got everything on it that I need to have on it, let alone satisfactorily. And then there’s the more minor issue of making sure that the desktop is completely loaded, because although it is still impressively fast it won’t load the most recent version of Windows on it, and there are certain things that I’ve been able to get this one to do or load onto this one when it ran the previous version of Windows that… wait for it, that one gives me grief on, even though they are roughly comparable. I suppose I’ll find out the majority of it later…

Knowing us, in the interim we’ll probably have to buy a new washer though. This thing seems like it’s kaput.

I’m not sure if I already mentioned this, but…

I’m not sure if I ever mentioned it here, but I’ve since decided to move back to the main servers on Among Us because the roles on didn’t always… cooperate, if that made sense, they weren’t playing like the ones that some of the most popular YouTubers have, and I just felt like if that weren’t the case I would be much better off playing on the official servers. So that’s what I’m back to doing for now. But I have heard that they use different mods and quite possibly, probably, a different server to play on, so there is also that.

I also formatted an external hard drive that I had used for various college-related odds and ends so that Bub could have all of his games readily available, and I am so glad that I did. It’s a 1TB hard drive, so it’s bigger than the hard drive currently in our computer, and it’s already half full of Steam games. I don’t think I’m ever going to completely fill it since we have the majority of what we want already on it, and the majority of games that Bub likes are not particularly huge. But still, there is that occasional large outlier to contend with.

If I could, I would go back to college and get my bachelor’s degree in psychology (or maybe even biology if they have it at this campus!), but I don’t need to do anything that would imperil my chances at successfully getting disability for myself, and there’s the fact that maintenance medications for migraines make expressive and receptive language more difficult as well as complex thought in general. It would take a lot out of me, and I may not have enough to give, and I wouldn’t want to fail any of those classes due to it. Gabapentin is not quite as bad as Topamax or Trokendi, but it… is. It is. We’ll just leave it at that. It just is.

Lesson learned about “deleting posts”, I guess.

Not long ago, I accidentally deleted one of the protected posts that I had made in here.

It wasn’t about anything particularly major, but I’ve been testing out the ability to make them and deciding what would be “enough” for me to make a protected post… and then I went on ahead and did that. And before I had even become aware that I had deleted that post, I had run Sweep on here, so it was forever gone. At any rate, I learned my lesson when Bub’s paternal family found an old blog of mine². I don’t mind being open about some things, like how my lack of religion on a technicality has shaped and continues to shape who I am as a person. I don’t mind being open about a lot of things. But there are some things that I would rather not make accessible to every single person who finds my blog or happens to have the URL.

In other news, I’m glad that I have our computer controller’s keypad mapped to more or less everything that it needs to be mapped for to make playing games on Steam enjoyable. So far, it hasn’t let me down in any game aside from having to hit the X button a single time in Final Fantasy VI to switch targets so that I could throw a Phoenix Down at the boss, an undead train, and instantly kill it. I was struggling with being able to switch targets using the controller so just looked up how to do it with the keyboard and did it that way…

²: I didn’t even mind as much that they found the blog as I minded their reactions to me writing about the things that I did in it, as more than one person had begun to express valid concern about those things to me.

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