October 1st 2024 archive

We are now on day three of this shit.

I have been doxxed, harassed, stalked, and threatened by someone who admitted to rage watching my Twitch livestreams not liking me because I am a woman and a disabled parent. That’s it. That’s the reason.

As stated in the previous post about this, my local law enforcement is aware of it. His local law enforcement is aware of this. Gun shops in his area are aware of this in the event that he attempts to purchase a gun tangential to any of the threats he’s made (to include threatening to “burn” one of my friends for entering the conversation to protect me diverting his attention away from me, because he’s been obsessed with me). I’m kind of flattered that it took an entire year for someone to hate me enough to threaten to harm family members of mine, let alone dox (or is it doxx?), harass, stalk, and threaten me across multiple accounts for numerous days. Truth be told though, it has gotten tiresome, and I can’t wait for his local police department to do whatever it is they have to do to prevent him from continuing to do this to me or actually hurt anyone.