August 19th 2023 archive

This is interesting, but it doesn’t surprise me.

The person that I have been… keeping up on for valid reasons, was arrested this past week.

Apparently this person was, and has been, charged with one count of criminal trespass in the first degree and one count of resisting arrest. He’s supposed to show up at the courthouse early next week, which I know for a fact he won’t do unless someone physically makes him attending arraignment. This is the same person that eventually became convicted of the shoplifting offense that happened in that very county because he refused to come to all other court hearings after his county physically made him appear at the arraignment. I don’t know that his county’s criminal justice unit will get quite so lucky this time, and given how he’s deleted all of the social media sites that were public and that he used… this might have been premeditated, and he might have expected in his mind that “something could have haopened” (law enforcement involvement).

The fact that he hasn’t fled this state as fast as he’s fled others (and in one case, country) speaks volumes. He has more than likely tried to. All of his family members appear unwilling to help him, even some that had helped him out in the past. I can’t say that I blame them. It also seems like his friends are… not his friends any more, or not as close as they had been. Again, I can’t say that I blame them for any of this, because I don’t.